Press releases
MacGregor press releases

- Stena Line extends its trust in MacGregor’s planned maintenance agreements for 39 ferries14-12-16
- MacGregor makes further inroads into renewable energy sector29-11-16
- MacGregor 3D Motion Compensator enhances load-handling precision14-11-16
- MacGregor hackathon – Hack the sea – created novel safety and efficiency concepts for the maritime industry14-11-16
- Short delivery times and proven performance secure new deck machinery contracts for MacGregor18-10-16
- MacGregor receives Pusnes deck machinery orders for Vale’s new VLOCs13-10-16
- MacGregor signs joint venture contract with CSSC Nanjing Luzhou Machine Co Ltd to strengthen its presence in China11-10-16
- MacGregor wins equipment package contracts for seven new Middle East offshore support vessels19-09-16
- MacGregor News, Autumn 2016 available for download now02-09-16
- MacGregor continues to win hatch cover contracts for Japanese container ship series11-07-16