Press releases
ClassNK press releases

- AiPs Obtained for Liquefied CO2 Carrier Design and Floating Liquefied Storage Facility27-03-25
- ClassNK issues approval in principle (AiP) for Rigid Windsail Type Wind-Assisted Propulsion System (WAPS) developed by OceanWings27-03-25
- ClassNK releases benchmark tank test data for direct load analysis programs – supporting the development and introduction of new vessel types, including ultra-large container ships –26-03-25
- ClassNK appoints new President & CEO and Executive Vice President24-03-25
- ClassNK issues approval in principle (AiP) for large ammonia-powered ammonia carrier developed by MOL, Namura Shipbuilding and Mitsubishi Shipbuilding17-03-25
- Evaluation and financing provided to Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha based on ‘Zero-Emission Accelerating Ship Finance’27-02-25
- ClassNK issues Approval in Principle for ammonia-fuelled ammonia bunkering vessel developed by NYK Line and LMG Marin AS27-02-25
- ClassNK issues Approval in Principle (AiP) for Coastal Liquefied CO2 Carrier developed by Mitsubishi Shipbuilding and Nippon Gas Line – Towards stable supply of liquefied CO2 carriers supporting CCS value chain –05-02-25
- ClassNK grants Innovation Endorsement for Products & Solutions to ‘D-VESSELKEEPER: EEM and PHM’ developed by WinKong Marine Engineering28-01-25
- ClassNK releases ‘ClassNK Technical Journal’ – introducing the latest GHG trends and ClassNK’s initiatives –18-12-24