NorthStandard to offer ShipIn Systems’ FleetVision™ safety gains through Get SET! Digital product portfolio

03 June 2024 – NorthStandard and ShipIn Systems have announced a collaboration to promote the AI-powered fleet management system FleetVision™, in recognition of the ShipIn platform’s benefits for ship safety, operational effectiveness and loss prevention.

Colin Gillespie, Global Head of Loss Prevention, NorthStandard

FleetVision™ uses camera technology blended with AI to continuously monitor and report on shipboard operations. The system automatically identifies and reports risks and non-conformances. The solution empowers the captain and crew onboard to self-assess and deliver significant improvements in vessels’ safety and productivity across bridge conduct, security, cargo operations, and maintenance activities.

NorthStandard and the AI company ShipIn Systems have agreed that FleetVision™ will be offered as part of Get SET! – the digital portfolio through which the global marine insurer harnesses pioneering technologies to improve safety and reduce operating costs.

“ShipIn can help the maritime industry take a leap forward,” said Colin Gillespie, Global Head of Loss Prevention, NorthStandard. “FleetVision™ allows seafarers onboard and operations teams ashore to see the same information live. This helps close the ship-shore gap allowing the ship and shore staff to collaborate more effectively. In turn this should drive improvements in safety culture and operational efficiency.” The ShipIn Systems platform would be significant for loss prevention and useful to claims management processes, added Gillespie. “FleetVision™ will help members become more proactive in finding ways to prevent tomorrow’s losses by offering insights into routine operations and sharing best practices across the fleet,” he said.

ShipIn FleetVision™

NorthStandard will offer members a significant subsidy to encourage initial deployment of FleetVision™.

“We’re thrilled to work with NorthStandard and support efforts to improve safety and security for all seafarers across its membership group,” said Osher Perry, CEO and Co-Founder, ShipIn Systems. “We look forward to the opportunity of working alongside one of the world’s leading marine insurers to make shipping safer for all.”

The expanding Get SET! technology portfolio of solutions focuses on best practice in bridge management, across situational awareness, enhancing efficiency, minimising fatigue and reducing human error at sea.

For further insight into FleetVision™, including a visual walkthrough of the tool, and information on how to access it, please visit the NorthStandard website:


About NorthStandard:

NorthStandard is one of the leading providers of global marine insurance products and services across the maritime industries. Established through the merger of North P&I Club and the Standard Club in February 2023 and ‘A’ rated by S&P Global, NorthStandard has a premium income around US$836M and provides cover for over 365 million GT of owned and chartered tonnage.

From headquarters in the UK and with offices throughout Europe, Asia and the Americas, NorthStandard offers a unique blend of worldwide presence and class-leading expertise across multiple specialist areas, including P&I, FD&D, War Risks, Strike & Delay, Hull and Machinery and ancillary insurance.

Its Sunderland Marine and Coastal & Inland sectors also provide cover for owners’ fixed premium P&I, fishing vessels, inland waterway and coastal trading vessels and aquaculture. NorthStandard’s comprehensive local market and sector knowledge is underpinned by continuous investments in market-leading digital technologies.

NorthStandard is a leading member of the International Group of P&I Clubs (IG) and is fully committed to upholding the shared objectives of its 12 independent member clubs, which provide liability cover for approximately 90% of the world’s ocean-going tonnage.


About ShipIn Systems:

ShipIn Systems is the world’s first FleetVision™ Platform, unlocking ship-to-shore collaboration for maritime fleets with visual analytics. ShipIn’s platform proactively alerts shipowners, managers, and seafarers to onboard events in real-time, reducing losses by 40% and increasing efficiency by 8%. Creating a digital bridge between ship and shore, ShipIn provides objective insights into navigation, security, cargo operations, and more. With all monitoring rolling up to an analytics dashboard, the platform makes it easy to benchmark performance, perform remote audits, and improve the operational ROI of your entire fleet. Learn more at