ClassNK releases Annual Report on Port State Control

03 July 2024 – ClassNK has released its annual report on Port State Control. The report is prepared to enhance awareness of the present state of PSC and improve future onboard maintenance and inspections as well as Safety Management Systems.

ClassNK Port State Control Annual Report – cover image

The report includes statistics and data analysis on ships detained by PSC, as well as typical defective photos. In 2023, 419 PSC detentions were reported for 398 ships classed by ClassNK. ā€˜Fire safety deficienciesā€™ such as ā€˜fire-dampersā€™, ā€˜fixed fire extinguishing installationā€™, and ā€˜fire pumpsā€™ were pointed out as the most commonly detainable deficiencies.

ClassNK will continue our efforts to eliminate substandard vessels by providing information related to PSC, as well as ā€˜PrimeShip-PSC Intelligenceā€™ which is a tool for supporting the improvement of PSC performance and ship management system.

The annual report is available to download on ClassNKā€™s website.

Related press release:
ClassNK releases latest ā€˜PrimeShip-PSC Intelligenceā€™ mobile app
-support the improvement of PSC performance and ship management system-