- ClassNK certifies Alpha Ori’s AssetAI as Innovation Endorsement for Products & Solutions06-05-21
- VIKING YouSafe™ Walk to Work lightweight immersion suit makes crew transfer easier06-05-21
- A smart choice: UK High Court confirms shipowner had an unfettered right to collect freight under its bills of lading even whilst on time charter05-05-21
- VIKING acquires unique HydroPen™ container firefighting system05-05-21
- Full power of Current Direct project brought into focus05-05-21
- Samskip extends one stop global logistics shop with launch of Samskip Air04-05-21
- CJC Currents – April 202128-04-21
- IoS-OP fully utilized in bulk carrier built by Shin Kurushima Sanoyas Shipbuilding27-04-21
- VIKING brings turbine safety step change with all-in-one evacuation kit26-04-21
- HydroPen™ system for container firefighting is adopted by a world leader in shipping and logistics26-04-21