- ClassNK approves 3D basic design drawings of Multi-Purpose Container Carrier developed by NYK Line10-04-24
- ClassNK issues type approval certificate for CBM management software developed by Samsung Heavy Industries10-04-24
- ClassNK grants Innovation Endorsements for Products & Solutions to two elemental technologies of ‘CMP-MAP’09-04-24
- ClassNK issues SOF for analysis of hull performance and operational profile for ship in service08-04-24
- Joint R&D agreement signed to expand anti-roll tank application to large container ships05-04-24
- VIKING puts professional-grade firefighting expertise to work on seafarer safety04-04-24
- ClassNK issues type approval certificate for lithium-ion storage battery system developed by Corvus Energy04-04-24
- ClassNK facilitates transition to zero-emission with energy efficiency improvement, alternative fuels, onboard CCS – Launch of ClassNK Transition Support Services –04-04-24
- ClassNK grants Innovation Endorsement for Products & Solutions to “Wall Climbing Robot”02-04-24
- ClassNK appoints full-time executives and reinforces commitment to be best partner to customers and industry02-04-24