- ClassNK establishes “Rules for the Survey and Construction of Governmental and Naval Ships”31-03-20
- Inmarsat takes founding role in first Decarbonising Shipping programme for Asian start-ups30-03-20
- Ecochlor Announces Collaboration with Horizon Air Freight to Expand Shipping Services30-03-20
- ClassNK releases Guidelines for Non-destructive Inspection by Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing30-03-20
- VIKING offers e-learning remedy for COVID-19 STCW headache24-03-20
- YSA brings breath of fresh air to Splendor dining experience23-03-20
- Cruise Ship Interiors Expo America and Cruise Ship Hospitality Expo America rescheduled for 2-3 September 202020-03-20
- ClassNK completes joint feasibility study on 3D model based approval with JMU and NAPA19-03-20
- ClassNK appoints new President & CEO and executives18-03-20
- Chairs of the board get creative at CSI 202017-03-20