Posted in Maritime PR
It was the beginning of summer when, from the sunny beaches of Glyfada, the maritime business regretfully said goodbye to a successful and exciting Posidonia 2016. In what seemed the blink of an eye we were scattered across the 13 halls and 90,000 square metres of the popular biannual German exhibition…another SMM (aka the ‘September Manic Month’) had arrived without notice….
Posted in Maritime PR
Part 2: Giving the presentation
You’ve successfully secured your presentation on the agenda of an event of your choice. Congratulations! This is a hugely important opportunity that should not be wasted. After all, many paper submissions will have been rejected to give you this platform; for both your company as well as the event organiser who has selected you, it’s vital to ‘deliver’.
Posted in Maritime PR
Part 1: Securing the opportunity
Giving presentations at industry events – whether stand-alone papers or participation in panel sessions – is a highly sought-after opportunity for many. The visibility that such a public appearance offers, for both the executive doing the presenting as well as for the brand, can be invaluable for company positioning and ultimately for business development.
Posted in Maritime PR
Sing to me of the man, Muse, the man of twists and turns
driven time and again off course, once he had plundered
the hallowed heights of Troy.
Many cities of men he saw and learned their minds,
many pains he suffered, heartsick on the open sea,
fighting to save his life and bring his comrades home.
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Maritime PR
In Part 1 of our ‘5 things to keep in mind in press interviews’ we discussed how to secure press interviews [see here]. This time, we are looking at a different aspect of press interviews:
Part 2: Best practice tips on how to get the most out of your press interviews.
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Maritime PR
Part 1: Securing the interview
Meeting the press is an essential and valuable part of any PR and communications campaign. However, editors are busy people and encounters may well be very short, especially if taking place at events where schedules are full. Having the knowledge and tools to be clear and confident with the press and your messaging will ensure you get the best out of each interview opportunity.